From:                              Jim Walsh <>
Sent:                               Wednesday, February 03, 2021 8:32 AM
Cc:                                   Daniel Papert
Subject:                          RE: Letter to James Walsh, chairman of ASME PTC-18 Committee (corrected)

Dear Doug,

Thanks for the highly detailed and lengthy letter about the history of the Index Test Box (ITB).  When we first spoke about this topic, it was not in the context of me being chair of ASME PTC-18 but rather a business opportunity you were proposing to Rennasonic.  As discussed, the hydro-energy market is depressed, and I don’t see many opportunities to implement this ITB given the present market condition, so for Rennasonic, we wish to pass on any potential future joint ventures.   Additionally, I request that you do not quote me in any future Hydro Review article on this topic as I do not have firsthand knowledge of or  been involved in any of your discussions with USACE HDC.  So please do not reference our conversations.  Additionally, since I have not been involved with your discussions with HDC, I do not have in my possession or have knowledge of any white papers, reports, memos etc. discussing HDC claims of ownership on the ITB.  

As you know,  ASME PTC-18  writes test codes for field measurement of hydraulic machine performance that includes the method of index testing.  PTC-18 is a group of engineers who have vast experience in field testing turbines including index testing.   ASME  does not and has not endorsed any technique, vendor, or entity associated with any test codes.  We understand your enthusiasm but cannot promote one test or technique over another since this will most assuredly end up in litigation.   As a matter of engineering edification we can review any information on the technical aspects of the ITB, but must pass on any commercial or potential legal issues that surround this device or your company. I understand that you offered to make some information available to Dan for our next meeting in the form of a video or power point presentation.  Please send this to Dan and we can review the technical aspects of your ITB. We  ask that the information be brief and to the point since our meetings have several topics to cover and time is very limited.  I suggest that this video / PPT be kept to a duration of 15 to 20 minutes.

Again, thanks for reaching out to us and good luck in your endeavors.


Best regards,

Jim Walsh

Skype name jimwalsh372

+508 457 1215 (V)