From: Douglas Albright <>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 1:13 PM
Subject: Letter about FOIA search fee


Hi Will,                                    

I got a response from HDC’s FOIA contact last Monday that says she has spent 2.5 hours searching already and estimates another 3-hours will be required to find the records at a minimum cost of $168. The actual price was left open-ended because Heather doesn’t know how long it will take to find the requested documents. I believe this is disingenuous abuse of the FOIA.

The fact is that government engineers have failed at duplicating my Index Test Box with their renamed “Gate Blade Optimizer” and now the people currently at HDC are just covering up the wrongdoings of their predecessors by hiding the fact from us now that: government engineers were unable to duplicate my Index Test Box.

I object to this new tactic of padding the cost of the FOIA to discourage a private citizen from seeking information via the FOIA process. This not the first time these guys have done this; that’s why I asked you to send the FOIA so you could see any abuse first-hand. Did Heather copy you on her reply to me?

The Next FOIA will ask for all funding and man-hours expended on their Type-1 Optimizer or GBO projects to see how serious they are about working on it.


I object to HDC charging a large fee for searching because it doesn’t seem reasonable that Heather could be having trouble finding the information I’ve asked for.

The information should be readily available. The 3-D Cam profiles are standard operational data for these turbines. In 2006, after 2 successful demonstrations of my Index Test Box I was asking for 3-D Cam data on all of the turbines at all of USACE’s dams to setup my Index Test Box data storage for the entire Columbia River Power System. Data was easily produced for Bonneville, Ice Harbor and McNary Dams, until HDC decided they could do a better job of creating the (Index Test Box, Type-1 Optimizer or Gate Blade Optimizer - a rose by any other name…) than me, commandeered the project by diverting my contract's funds to their Captive Supplier and then buying their unproven product instead of my proven product.

What I want is:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

1.       some help in getting to the truth of this without going personally bankrupt.

2.       A Congressional Investigation (they are all-over investigations these days – what’s one more?) into this situation to really get to the truth.

3.       A side-by-side comparison of the performance of my Index Test Box against their Gate Blade Optimizer, winner take all.

Here’s what I think it will reveal:

     Gate Blade Optimizer                  Index Test Box  

That the Gate Blade Optimizer is a counterfeit, non-functional knock-off of my successful Index Test Box.

My product is named Index Test Box. After I successfully demonstrated my Index Test Box at USACE’s McNary and Ice  Harbor Dams, HDC engineers commandeered my project and started calling it their own, especially in ASME and IEEE hydropower working groups where all of the major potential customers were represented.

HDC continued to call their reverse-engineering project the Index Test Box for another year to avoid raising any eyebrows about their Bait and Switch scam. Their project to reverse-engineer my product was called Index Test Box until my complaints to DOD IG brought investigators sniffing-around, then they changed the name to T1-Optimizer, and then to Gate Blade Optimizer (GBO, the current name) to keep it off of the IG’s radar. The name-change to T1-Optimizer was announced in a 1-23-2007 Bonneville Power Administration Hydro Optimization Team (BPA HOT) meeting by Dan Ramirez (scan down to yellow highlighted section). 2007-01-23 HOT_Minutes_No_Longer_Called_Index_Test_Box.htm Later on the name migrated to Gate Blade Optimizer (GBO).

Another reason the search fee seems unreasonable is the BPA FOIA response looking for “HOT Meeting Minutes” from May 2016 that shows Dan Patla of HDC reporting that as of the October 28, 2015 Hydro Optimization Team (HOT) Meeting, “…the data has been properly collected and stored.”

This “properly collected and stored” data would work for my purposes and should be readily available without an extensive, expensive faux search.

Figure 1 Excerpt from Oct 28, 2015 HOT Meeting

The full Minutes of that meeting are at this link: (It’s a few pages down - the redaction makes a good place-finder. Scroll down till you find it.)

Yet another reason this elevated fee is unreasonable is that according to Andrew’s recent reply to you the GBO is an active and ongoing project. If Heather couldn't find anything in 2.5 hours, she’s looking in the wrong places or people are hiding the information from her. She should just ask Andrew. He’s got the answers.

The following email is Andrew’s reply for your reference:

Figure 2 Email from Andrew Long P.E.

And then Andrew said a FOIA was needed to ask for more information. By the way, Will - Thanks for sending that in for me.  


The letter from HDC's FOIA District Officer, Heather Hall demanding $168 to pay search fees was received last Monday. I believe this is abuse of the FOIA process; the excessive search costs are bogus. The requested information, if it exists, is being hidden by HDC engineers to cover-up past wrongdoings by making this more expensive to discourage my FOIA request.

Did Heather copy you on her $168 demand letter to me (below)?

Would not a U.S. Senator’s office get such information for free from a federal government agency in any event?


The collateral damages from this ruse are huge.

The problem isn’t just about me and my Index Test Box technology. Fish mortality in Kaplan turbines is the root-cause of the lawsuit ongoing in the Portland, Oregon Federal Court since 1998. Index-testing and optimizing these turbines is the best, most effective way to reduce fish mortality in turbines by correcting the problem at its source.


The Environmental Preservation Act (EPA) lawsuit was brought by the 5 Native American Tribes that fish the Columbia for a living and a host of environmentalist agencies (Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, Save our Wild Salmon etc.) against USACE, DOE, USBR and NOAA for killing all the fish in the river with hydroelectric dams.


The Judge’s remedies include spilling ½ of the water annually instead of generating power. Spilling scoots the fish past the dams without going through the turbines by throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars annually. The judge is aware of this and decided that saving the fish is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Add to this waste the cost of building, maintaining and operating the fish hatcheries, fish-ladders, fish-diversion screens and trough and gutter systems that bypass the dams.


Court-ordered costs to the Federal Treasury for fish-morality-mitigation projects are said to exceed $1B annually, when the entire problem could be solved by simply index-testing and optimizing each and every turbine individually. For many years marine biologists have said that a properly tuned-up Kaplan turbine will pass 95-98%  of fish unharmed – which is what they set out to do in the early 1980s but were thwarted by others; highly-placed managers with commercially-based agendas. Efforts have been steered away from the most effective and logical solution to the fish-mortality problem in favor of more expensive, cumbersome and ineffective fish-screens, fish ladders and bypass systems to move the fish around the turbines.


Government engineers took over my Index Test Box project but then failed to complete the work and now they’re covering up the fact that they’ve wasted so much time and money on this foolish, greedy scheme.


For these and other reasons I believe they’re gouging me on FOIA fees to discourage this inquiry, which is why I came to you with this issue in the first place.



It seems unreasonable to demand search expenses because with Dan Patla (the engineer who seems to have inherited the GBO project - or got left holding the bag if what I suspect is true) saying the data is safely stored away and Andrew Long saying the GBO is an ongoing, active project – how is it that Heather at HDC is unable to find any of the normal operational data I have requested? This data is needed for any ongoing turbine maintenance and upgrade program, if they don't have it, they're pencil-whipping the maintenance tasks.


Something else is going on here. They’re hiding the information for a personal agenda.


HDC’s inability to capitalize on the Index Test Box technology ever since they took it away from me in 2006 to pretend it was theirs has HDC acting like a Dog in the Manger with the project now.


They commandeered it away from me after seeing how valuable it is; and now because they can’t personally benefit from my invention via their Captive Supplier prearrangements they won’t let the Index Test Box project go forward with anyone else benefiting from the enterprise.


What can be done about this?


Doug Albright

Actuation Test Equipment Company



Heather's email about search fees is attached below:


On 5/14/2019 11:27 AM, FOIA-NWP wrote:

Mr. Albright:

The FOIA allows fees to be charged to certain types of requestors who are placed in one of three categories: commercial, news media, and "other".

Requesters who do not qualify in another category are considered “other” requestors and ordinarily request agency records for their personal use.  Based on the information contained in your request, you are considered an “other” requestor and shall receive two hours search and all review efforts at no cost.  Search efforts exceeding two hours are charged at a rate of $48 per hour (see Fee Schedule, 32 C.F.R. § 286.12). 

Please be advised that search efforts have exceeded two hours (currently, 2.5 hrs).  The Corps estimates an additional 3 hours will be necessary to compile all the documents before this office may review.  As indicated above, all review efforts are at no cost to you, search efforts here forward will be charged; we estimate approximately $168.  Please note, this is an estimate and we cannot guarantee the costs will be more/less.

Please reply to this email acknowledging costs associated and willingness to pay those costs.  Also, please be aware that, in accordance with 5 USC § 552(a)(6)(A)(ii)(I), your request has been put on hold until we receive a written response from you.


Heather HallDistrict FOIA Officer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Northwestern Division

Portland District Counsel, CENWP-OC
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204-3495
(503) 808-4521 |