To: Owens, Will (Duckworth) <>
Cc: Posovich, Michael S CIV USARMY CENWP (US) <>
Subject: RE: Status of Gate Blade Optimizer Project (UNCLASSIFIED)




Good Morning Mr. Owens,


GBO development has been on-going. The presentation from 2011 indicated a 3-4 year timeline to develop cam tables for 97 units. This was overly optimistic.  Evolving GDACS security protocols as well replacement of 3D Cam controllers with digital governors have necessitated re-designs to the GBO. This includes different platforms, hardware changes, and reprogramming. Latest generation proof-of-concept GBO has been largely complete for several years. Currently, the latest generation GBO is installed on one unit at The Dalles Powerhouse. Due to numerous reasons (e.g. limited range of operation during fish passage season, limited head range seen at the project, unexpected unit outages) data collection over several years has been required to obtain sufficient information to develop updated cam information.  In order to validate proof of concept results index testing is recommended but has not been performed. Until validated GBO will not be installed on additional units.


Please let me know if you need anything else.




Andrew Long, P.E., C.E.M.

Product Coordinator

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Hydroelectric Design Center

333 SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR 97204