Thanks for your reply.
You seem to be missing
my point, which I made more clearly evident in a video presentation of a
Forensic Examination of a Bonneville Index Test. The machine in that index test had many
problems as shown in the data I got from HDC.
Your response assumes
the turbine has been index tested, the 3-D cam surface optimized with
real-world data taken from the individual machine and the gate and blade
control systems are functioning properly and within industry standards.
From my field test work
and subsequent data that acquired via FOIA requests from HDC, the Kaplan units
are not index tested comprehensively and the 3-D cam surfaces are not optimized
individually using the real world data. The gate positioning systems seemed to
be working properly, but the blade positioning systems are very bad, and were
not at all within accepted industry standards.
This is the problem I'm
trying to address and convey to you. The after-market modifications of the
blade control system made by USACE HDC and Automated Control Systems
Incorporated have made the equipment's functionality much worse than before.
When I found this problem with my test instrument HDC hid it from me as best as
they could, and now they are hiding it from you.
When they tell you the
efficiency is some particular amount, is it measured specifically on the units
with the head, gates and blades at known level and positions with the flow
determined by an absolute flow measurement system, or do they show you the
theoretical norm from the nominal efficiency profile graph (shown in Fig 1) for
the type-family of turbine you are testing on and call it good-enough?
Figure 1 Theoretical efficiency profile and 1% envelope
for a Kaplan turbine
All turbines are not the
same, and an individual turbine can have the blade to gate relationship
misaligned for a variety of reasons that will cause the efficiency to not be
what is predicted by the data HDC has on file.
From my 2005 field work
experience, regarding the blade to head and gate 3-D cam tracking accuracy,
responsiveness and repeatability were very poor on the units at McNary.
A FOIA requested data
set from a subsequent field test of HDC's reproduction of my Index Test Box,
called the Gate Blade Optimizer (GBO) which was used to record
data from Unit 9 at McNary in 2007 shows this blade to head and gate tracking was
still very bad.
Figure 2 Unit 9
Blade to Head and Gate tracking from 2007 GBO field test.
The heavy blue line with
equally-spaced red lines above and below it are the ideal, on-cam position of
the blades at the existing head as the gates open and the very heavy,
meandering blue line is the actual blade to head and gate tracking of the unit.
This unit was a mess, and there is no reason to believe they’ve gotten it fixed
even now.
It was said that another
example of the need for individual index testing, optimization and field
testing is that the original 16 turbines for The Dalles
Dam, purchased together under a single contact did not perform very closely.
When tested with current
meters (not index tested) in the 1960’s their peak efficiencies were found to
vary by 7% and the power at which peak efficiency occurred varied over a range
of 10 megawatts. They needed to be individually index tested and optimized to
maximize their operating efficiency individually.
From every indication,
this was never done comprehensively, only one or two of the units were index
tested and optimized and the exact same 3-D cam surface was installed in the
rest of the machines and they were assumed to be OK. With the stakes on the
table, it seems that “due diligence” of actually index testing and optimizing
the machines individually should be carried out.
You could verify this. Ask
them about it, and request to see the individual index test data, test reports
and updated 3-D cam surface data for all of the units. Without this specific,
detailed information for every single unit indicating that a proper job has
been done in all cases, anything they tell you about the efficiency performance
of any untested machines is nonsense.
Sincerely yours,
Douglas Albright
In a message dated
6/28/2011 2:24:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Doug, I've been on the
move a lot lately so haven't had a chance to respond. As I indicated on the
phone, our current direction in turbine operation has shifted away from a
strict adherence to efficiency to an emphasis on what we call "open or
best geometry". The idea here is that fish survival (based on extensive
model work and limited biological studies) is more likely linked to balancing
the best possible pathway through the turbine units while staying away from
extreme pressure changes. Our approach is to advocate for the operation of
turbine units near the upper end or, in some cases, beyond the upper end of the
1% efficiency range. This operation does a better job of aligning stay vane and
wicket gates, steepening blade angles, reducing hub swirl, and filling out the
draft tubes (which also helps improve tailrace egress conditions). We realize
that forcing more flow through these units also decreases pressure nadirs and
we have a fairly extensive biological data set that will help us avoid moving
into pressures that may harm fish. Our intention is to move towards replacing
the current 1% efficiency guidelines with new operating ranges as they are
developed for the various groups of turbines in the system. This work is
occurring under RPA 27 of the 2008-2010 Biological Opinion. There are a couple
of reasons why we are not as concerned with turbine efficiency as we once were.
First, the more recent fish survival reviews have not shown a strong
correlation between efficiency and survival (reference the Skalski
2002 North American Journal of Fisheries Management paper) and second, the
combination of spill, surface passage routes and bypasses have been very
effective a moving fish passage away from turbine units which greatly reduces
the effect turbine improvements have on improving overall fish passage
survival. Thanks for your interest in our issues out here. Sincerely, Gary Fredricks
On 5/3/2011 3:20 PM, wrote:
Thanks for speaking with
me this morning. I'd like to keep our conversation off the record and just get
the straight-skinny on what's happing in your bailiwick.
The PBS Nature move,
Salmon, Running the Gauntlet can be seen at this link.
Good stuff. I'm going to
find the folks in this movie and talk to them about turbine control systems and
fish passage.
The Washington Post
article about Larry Craig is at:
What I'm requesting from
you is information regarding the current understanding of fish survival in
turbines and how it will go in the future. Would you characterize the original
1% envelope as a "knee-jerk" reaction to the problem?
I'm shifting the focus
of my Index Test Box marketing to connect two concepts:
1. NOAA Fisheries' BIOP
has linked increasing turbine efficiency to increasing fish survival rates, and
2. index
testing and optimizing turbines increases their operating efficiencies,
Therefore, index
testing and optimizing Kaplan turbines will increase fish survival rates.
And not just one of a
family index testing, but comprehensive, every single turbine gets index tested
and optimized, individually.
This would also require
strict adherence to accepted, published industry standards by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers and International Electro-technical Commission.
You said the 1% envelope
is no longer the "law of the land."
What exactly is the new
guiding principals and stated "law of the
Doug Albright
Actuation Test Equipment Company