McNary Unit 9

Index Test Box (ITB) Proof of Concept

Test Log



Wednesday 14 December 2005


                                                                                                            Blade    Ideal    

Time           Description                                     MW               WGO       Angle    Blade    Perturb.

0919           Start SS Record                              63.5               63.2%      25..07   24.7        Off

0927           Move to 41MW



0947           Start SS Record                              41.5                42%        16.8      17            Off

0954           Move to 46 MW

1002           Start SS Record (Not ON CAM)        45.8                45.8        18.38    17.74       0ff

1011           Blade perturbation to tweak blades on-cam

1017           SS Record on-cam                          46.0               46.5         18.15    18.2         On

1028           Move to 51 MW, tweaked blades on-cam

1039           SS record                                       51.5               50.34       20.60    20.63       On

1047           Move to 57 MW, tweaked blades on-cam

1059           SS Record                                      57                  56.1         22.76    22.89       Off

1110           Move to 61 MW, tweaked blades on-cam

1123           SS Record                                      62.2               61.6         24.32    22.27       On



1140           Perturbed blades

1150           SS Record -1 DEG Perturbation       62.5               63.36       24.3      25.3         On

1203           Move to 57 MW

1218           SS Record -1 DEG Perturbation       57.8               58.7         22.5      23.52       On

1228           Move to 52 MW

1242           SS Record -1 DEG Perturbation       51.6               51.5         20.27    21.22       On

1247           Program crash.  “Invalid Row Error, Run Time Error 13009”

1252           Resume SS Record -1 DEG             51.1               50.5         20.29    21.11       On

1256           Move to 47 MW

1309           SS Record (3D Cam unable to         45.9               46.3         18.25    17.84       On    

                  blades flatter than 18 DEG)

1329           Move to 41 MW

1338           SS Record +0.5 DEG Perturbation   40.4               46.3         18.25    17.84       On

1359           SS Record +1.0 DEG Perturbation   41                  41.04       18.06    17.0         On

1408           Move to 46 MW

1423           SS Record +1.0 DEG Perturbation   45                  45.9         18.77    17.64       On

1431           Move to 51 MW

1443           SS Record +1.0 DEG Perturbation   51                  49.7         21.1      20.1         On

1452           Move to 56 MW

1505           SS Record +1.0 DEG Perturbation   57                  54.1         23.3      22.3         On

1513           Move to 62 MW

1522           SS Record +1.0 DEG Perturbation   62.2               59.8         24.76    23.74       On

1552           SS Record  On-cam                        63                  63.23       24.71    24.65       On

1558           Perturbate blades

1604           SS record                                       63                  61.3         24.86                   On

1611           Perturbate blades

1615           SS record                                       63                  61.2         25.15

1629           SS record                                       63                  64.63       24.22

1637           Perturbate blades

1641           SS record                                       63                  65.4         24.11


Wednesday 14 December 2005 (cont.)


                                                                                                            Blade    Ideal    

Time           Description                                     MW               WGO       Angle    Blade    Perturb.

1648           Move to 57 MW

1701           SS Record                                      57                  57.05       22.27    23.1      ON

1706           Perturbate blades

1729           SS record                                       57                  56.71       22.75    22.85    ON

1734           Perturbate blades

1743           SS record                                       57                  54.1         23.4      22.32    ON

1750           Testing completed for day


Thursday 15 December 2005


WK Cal and WK Cal verification conducted.  Intermittent problem launching index test function.  No values read into header.  Problem resolved by rebooting.



                                                                                                            Blade    Ideal    

Time           Description                                     MW               WGO       Angle    Blade    Perturb

1025           SS Record                                      53.4               52.4         21.67    21.71    0

1033           Perturbate blades

1042           SS record                                       53.2               50.9         22.54    20.99    +1

1053           Perturbate blades                           

1104           SS record                                       53.3               51.5         22.08    21.28    +0.5

1111           Perturbate blades                           

1124           SS record                                       53.2               53.2         21.15    22.06    -0.5

1131           Perturbate blades                           

1138           SS record                                       53.3               54.8         20.88    22         -0.8

1145           SS record paused

1310           SS record                                       46                  47.0         18.3      18.23    0

1316           Perturbate blades                           

1325           SS record                                       46                  46.1         19.6      17.73    +1.13

1330           Perturbate blades                           

1342           SS Record                                      45.9               46.1         19.05    17.73    +0.75

1349           Move to 41 MW

1412           SS record                                       41                  42.6         17         17         0

1420           Perturbate blades                           

1435           SS record                                       41                  41.5         17.62    17         +0.6

1442           Perturbate blades

??               SS Record                                      41                  40.7         18.4      17         +1.4

1520           SS record                                       68                  68.9         26.17    26.19    0

1533           Perturbate blades

1542           SS Record                                      68                  66.8         26.93    25.58    +0.8

1549           Perturbate blades

1600           SS Record                                      68                  67.3         26.6      25.71    +.5

1607           Perturbate blades

1620           SS Record                                      68                  70.9         25.8      26.8      -.4

1627           Perturbate blades

1635           SS Record                                      68                  72            25.68    27.2      -.5

1638           Perturbate blades


Thursday 15 December 2005 (cont.)



                                                                                                            Blade    Ideal    

Time           Description                                     MW               WGO       Angle    Blade    Perturb

1715           Record SS                                      68

1730           Day “0”                                                                                                       +2

1745           Adjusted “AutoLimits”

1752           Day “1”                                                                                                       -2

1812           Day 3                                                                                                         0

1814           Load shift to 73 MW


Friday 16 December 2005




Time           Description                                     MW               Perturb

0915           Record SS                                      63                        0

0958           Day 0                                             63                     +2

1028           AutoLimits executed.  SS record

1036           Day 1                                             63                     -2

1050           “Auto” Mode terminated.  Manual Mode initiated        -1

1055           SS Record                                      63

1105           Move to 57 MW

1120           SS Record                                      57                     0

1121           Blade perturbation

1134           SS record                                       57                  +1.1

1147           Blade perturbation                          

1159           SS record                                       57                  +2.0

1209           Blade perturbation

1220           SS record                                       57                  -1.0

1230?         Blade perturbation

1237           SS Record                                      57                  -2

1245?         Blade perturbation off

1250           Move to 51 MW

1311           SS record                                       51                  0

1323           Blade perturbation

1329           SS record                                       51                  +1

1338           Blade perturbation

1352           SS record                                       51                  +2