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 Directory of C:\2005-11-27 ITB Manual to Rod

08/27/2009  11:37 PM    <DIR>          .
08/27/2009  11:37 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/27/2009  11:37 PM             3,836 2005-11-27
08/04/2005  05:36 AM         3,998,208 d    Index Test Box Overview.doc
09/11/2005  10:05 PM            19,968 pm           HYDROAMP PartList.xls
08/11/2005  06:06 AM           880,640 pr         Transducer Signal Conditioner diagnostics.doc
09/11/2005  10:06 PM         6,579,712 q             ATE-150 LabPC-1200 Dongle.doc
08/06/2005  10:54 PM         6,596,608 q    ATE-150 LabPC-1200 Dongle.doc
08/05/2005  11:10 AM            30,720 qa           Druck PMP 4165 to ATE-150 Cable.doc
08/05/2005  03:28 PM            26,624 qb           Druck PMP 4165 to Unterminated Wire.doc
08/06/2005  05:56 PM            30,720 s           Druck PMP 4165 to ATE-150 Cable 05-8-6.doc
08/06/2005  06:03 PM            26,624 t           Druck PMP 4165 to Unterminated Wire 05-8-6.doc
08/27/2009  11:37 PM                 0 temp
11/27/2005  08:20 PM         3,274,752 TrimCart.mic
08/06/2005  09:16 PM         1,080,832 v      Parts List.doc
12/18/2004  05:28 AM           117,248 xa    3-D Cam Print 2 page.doc
12/14/2004  03:49 PM           486,400 xa    System Block Diagram.doc
08/04/2005  03:34 AM           450,048 xc    Appendix 1 Watt Transducer Signal.doc
07/28/2005  10:22 AM            44,544 y    Software Cover Letter to Rod Wittinger.doc
09/10/2005  05:18 PM            27,136 yf   Post-Test Milestone Software Cover Letter to Rod Wittinger 05-09-10.doc
08/09/2005  08:49 AM           258,560 z      Software Manual Description of Startup Configuration.doc
08/09/2005  12:02 PM           191,488 za    Software Manual Description of All OPC I_O form.doc
09/15/2005  03:36 PM         1,248,256 za    Software Manual Description of TestUnitOPC form.doc
11/13/2005  07:00 AM         1,197,568 zaa   Perturbation Panel Operation 05-06-24.doc
09/15/2005  02:29 PM           245,760 zab        Software Mod for Perturbation.doc
07/17/2005  06:18 PM           515,072 zac      How to Use the TopServer Quck Client 05-09-20.doc
08/11/2005  07:09 AM           250,368 zb        Software Mod for Perturbation.doc
08/19/2005  10:15 AM         7,095,808 zb    Software Manual Description of SteadyState form.doc
08/11/2005  02:31 AM           272,896 zb1  Software Manual Description of TestUnitOPC form.doc
06/14/2004  09:38 AM            77,269 zbb  Demo of 3-D Graphing routine in Excel.zip
09/20/2005  09:16 PM           439,808 zc    Software Manual Description of UnitsA-D_Heads_Screens&Security 05-09-20.doc
08/09/2005  12:06 PM           444,416 zc    Software Manual Description of UnitsA-D_Heads_Screens&Security.doc
08/09/2005  12:17 PM         1,185,792 zd    Software Manual Description of WKCal form.doc
08/22/2003  04:19 PM         1,328,625 zda   Watt Transducer Files.zip
06/14/2005  09:05 AM           220,160 zdc    Passwords to Lee 05-06-14.doc
06/13/2005  04:58 PM           274,432 zdd  Ed No Password TestUnitOPC panel 05-06-13.doc
08/10/2005  03:26 PM         7,095,808 ze    Software Manual Description of SteadyState form.doc
08/11/2005  06:54 AM            36,864 zf    Software Manual Description of Limits Backup file.doc
09/15/2005  02:41 PM         1,069,568 zxv  Appendix 1,  ITB Parts List.doc
09/15/2005  03:45 PM            28,160 zza   Appendix 2, Response to Lee's 9 Sept EMail.doc
06/11/2005  07:31 AM            38,912 zzz   SoftPLC to PanelMate Serial Cable.doc
              39 File(s)     47,190,210 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  193,195,180,032 bytes free